Privacy Policy

Our top concern is to protect its clients’ privacy. We take all reasonable steps to keep your personal information totally secure. No consumer would ever want to give their information to a stranger or a third party. We therefore take all reasonable steps to ensure the privacy of your information and its protection from unauthorised access. Our privacy policy guarantees that sensitive customer information will never be disclosed to a third party for improper use.

Our retention of the customers’ billing and financial information is unaffected in any way. We’ve written the privacy policy down for your convenience in a very simple manner so that you won’t have any trouble reading it and better understanding it. Secure Socket Layer, also known as SSL, is the best security technology we have installed to protect customer data from any type of unauthorised third-party access. It shields client data from unauthorised access and keeps it completely secure. Customers can therefore shop on our website without being concerned.

Aside from this, the website respects your personal space too and so refrains from sending any kind of marketing emails to you or any kind of needless communications. We will only send you an email with product details and shipment updates at the time you purchase the item. You may occasionally receive promotional mail announcing the release of new products and discount deals on them.

You won’t receive any spam in your email either because we don’t share your data with any third parties.