Shipping Policy

The customers will find our shipping policy to be very helpful and completely open. Within 24 hours of the consumer placing the order, it is processed. There is no restriction on placing an order on any day because clients can do so even on Sundays, Saturdays, and public holidays. Only the following business day will the items be shipped. We email the customer to let them know when the shipment has been delivered. This email contains all the relevant information about the goods and tracking code. Customers can follow the progress of their orders using the tracking code.

We currently employ two different sorts of delivery systems to distribute the merchandise. One is an EMS Express shipment, and the other is registered mail.

The delivery process for the post registered type delivery system typically takes 18 to 20 business days. In contrast, it takes close to 10 to 12 business days for the trackable EMS Express delivery to get to the customers. We firmly believe in honouring the commitments we have made to our clients. This is why there is never any form of delay from our side for mailing the drugs to you. The customer is completely authorised to request a refund in accordance with the website’s refund policy if there is any delay in the shipping of the medication or the product does not reach you in a timely manner owing to an error on our part. We favour more rapid international goods shipping. Only when the consumer provides a correct shipping address with an appropriate landmark and zip code is accurate shipment feasible.